Monday, February 17, 2020

World Hunger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World Hunger - Research Paper Example It should be noted that most of the countries are spending huge amounts of money for conducting wars whereas their expenditure for wiping off hunger from their soil remains relatively low. Many people have the false belief that hunger is a problem only in developing and underdeveloped world whereas it is not a problem in developed countries such as United Sates. According to Usborne (2008), â€Å"28 million people in the US will be using government food stamps to buy essential groceries in the fiscal year 2008, the highest level since the food assistance program was introduced in the 1960s† (Usborne). Some people believe that United States is responsible for world hunger whereas many others are of the view that it is illogical to blame America alone for the world hunger. This paper analyses various reasons of world hunger and the role of America in contributing to world hunger. The main argument against America with respect to world hunger is that America is spending too much money for defense purpose and conducting wars. The current war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan is causing huge poverty and food deficiency not only in the victim countries, but also in America as well. Being the only superpower in the world at present, America definitely has a huge role to play in eradicating world hunger. America has a decisive control over global economic and political matters. No other country enjoys the same power over global matters as America does. Even half of the amount spent for conducting war on terror can be enough for eradicating world hunger. It should be noted that America has a major role in the allocation of financial aids to poor countries from international bodies such as World Bank, IMF etc. Shah (2009) has pointed out that â€Å"being a major player of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, US actions can be felt around the world (Shah). However, United Sates is more interested in providing assistance to their allies and majority of t heir policies with respect to the dispersion of aids from international bodies are politically motivated. According to LaFollette, (2003) â€Å"decisions taken at one part of the world have economic ripples elsewhere† (LaFollette). In the current globalized world, the argument of LaFollette seems to be more relevant. It should be noted that the recent American economic crisis has been affected many other countries in different continents. Same way American policies and activities can cause severe problems to other countries, especially to the poor countries. In that respect also, one can argue that America is contributing heavily to global hunger or world hunger. Somali pirates believe that America like developed countries are dumping toxic wastes near their coastal region and destroying their marine wealth. As a result of that, poverty in Somalia and other African countries are increasing day by day since their major revenue sources is destroyed by America like countries. â €Å"Reports suggest that illegal fishing and dumping have disrupted Somalia’s coastal economy. Recent estimates by the United Nations suggest that Somalia may lose $95 million annually to illegal fishing† (Ploch et al, 2011, p.9). America on the other hand argues that they are not responsible for world hunger. They cite examples from Africa in order to substantiate their arguments. African countries are the worst, as far as world hunger in concerned. Majority of these countries do not have good governance and the autocratic administrators in this region are more interested in safeguarding their interests rather than safeguarding the interests of the

Monday, February 3, 2020

HealthCare Reform in the United States Research Proposal - 1

HealthCare Reform in the United States - Research Proposal Example Based on the study conducted by the Pacific Institute on Research and Evaluation (PIRE) in 1999, almost 3,500 deaths are caused by drinkers of below the age of twenty one every year (STATS, 2005). In fact, the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2001) reports that approximately 70% to 80% of road accidents occur due to alcohol consumption amongst youngsters below the age of 25. Thus, evaluation needs to be conducted to review the existing policies and come up with sound measures that would cut across the policy criteria effectively to address the teen drunk-driving fatalities problem. According to the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (2001), alcohol product pricing has an effect on the rates of the consumption of alcohol in the society. Studies have demystified that if all other factors are held constant, alcohol price increase in general results in a decrease in alcohol consumption, and the opposite is true. The regimes of taxation are a platform from which alcohol price can be influenced. Most governments use their political autocracy for raising revenue to fulfil its goals of protecting the freedom and wellbeing of the citizens. Generally, the revenue comes from taxes. Alcohol is a significant source for raising government revenue in most countries. The benefits of increasing taxation on alcoholic beverages lie on the basis of public health view. Taxing alcohol as a measure of policy is relatively elementary and acceptable by the government who obtain revenue from it to fulfil its mandate of satisfying public needs. Through making the alcoholic drinks more expensive, there would be a decrease in per capita consumption and this would in turn reduce the problems associated with it. From a public health perspective, taxing alcoholic drinks would prevent both social and health problems and minimize alcohol-based burden on society. Thus, aside from just curbing drunk-driving