Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Industrial Revolution Of Philadelphia - 1524 Words

INTRODUCTION: April 8, 2012 was the Sunday that Easter was celebrated that year. This date will also be forever remembered as the day that Lieutenant Robert Neary and Firefighter Daniel Sweeney lost their lives at the Thomas Buck Hosiery Factory fire in Philadelphia, PA. Since William Penn first founded the city of Philadelphia in 1682, it has been an evolving and growing city, from a 17th century colonial city to the capital of the United States during the American Revolution. The industrial revolution of the 19th century transformed the green fields of lower Kensington, a section of Philadelphia, to a mixture of homes and mills by 1875.†¦show more content†¦At 03:17 am, Engine 2 arrives on location and reports that he has heavy fire showing from the first and second floors, and requests a full first alarm assignment. One minute later he reported that he had fire all the way t o the roof in a 6-story building, 60’ x one city block. He then requested a full second alarm assignment and notified the dispatch center to prepare for the third alarm. Around 3:30 am, before most 2nd alarm companies arrived on the fireground. the first of many collapses occurred. A large section of wall collapsed from the upper story on the York Street side and crashed on to the street. By 4:01 am, this fire would grow to a five-alarm response. With the arrival of Engine 2 and other arriving companies, command was established, and the fire scene was divided into four geographic divisions (A, B, C, D) to manage this defensive fire. Command was passed from Engine 2 to the Battalion Commander, then to the Division commander and lastly to the Deputy Commissioner. As the fire intensified, the command structure grew to include an operations section, logistics, safety and an exposure group lead by a Battalion Chief. For over two hours the approximately 45 apparatus and ov er 150 firefighters and paramedics fought to contain the fire to the original complex and protect the surrounding neighborhood. The weather that night brought 17 mph winds, with gusts over 30 mph. These winds, combined with the heavy fire loadShow MoreRelatedThe Industrial Revolution : A Small Parts Of A Larger Manufacturing Development849 Words   |  4 PagesIn order to increase productivity of the fast changing economy, the Industrial Revolution presented new organizational strategies. Small parts of a much larger manufacturing development, known as outwork system were carried out in many individual homes. The outwork system was essential, especially for making footwear. The major step-forward was under the factory system. This system allowed work to be performed on a large scale in a single centralized location. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 64 Free Essays

â€Å"Holy shit!† The pilot pulled back on the stick, jolting upward. The black mountain of steel rose before them out of the waves without warning. A gargantuan unmarked submarine blew its ballast and rose on a cloud of bubbles. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 64 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The pilots exchanged uneasy laughs. â€Å"Guess that’s them.† As ordered, the transaction proceeded under complete radio silence. The doublewide portal on the peak of the sail opened and a seaman flashed them signals with a strobe light. The chopper then moved over the sub and dropped a three-man rescue harness, essentially three rubberized loops on a retractable cable. Within sixty seconds, the three unknown â€Å"danglers† were swinging beneath the chopper, ascending slowly against the downdraft of the rotors. When the copilot hauled them aboard-two men and a woman-the pilot flashed the sub the â€Å"all clear.† Within seconds, the enormous vessel disappeared beneath the windswept sea, leaving no trace it had ever been there. With the passengers safely aboard, the chopper pilot faced front, dipped the nose of the chopper, and accelerated south to complete his mission. The storm was closing fast, and these three strangers were to be brought safely back to Thule AFB for further jet transport. Where they were headed, the pilot had no idea. All he knew was that his orders had been from high up, and he was transporting very precious cargo. 75 When the Milne storm finally exploded, unleashing its full force on the NASA habisphere, the dome shuddered as if ready to lift off the ice and launch out to sea. The steel stabilizing cables pulled taut against their stakes, vibrating like huge guitar strings and letting out a doleful drone. The generators outside stuttered, causing the lights to flicker, threatening to plunge the huge room into total blackness. NASA administrator Lawrence Ekstrom strode across the interior of the dome. He wished he were getting the hell out of here tonight, but that was not to be. He would remain another day, giving additional on-site press conferences in the morning and overseeing preparations to transport the meteorite back to Washington. He wanted nothing more at the moment than to get some sleep; the day’s unexpected problems had taken a lot out of him. Ekstrom’s thoughts turned yet again to Wailee Ming, Rachel Sexton, Norah Mangor, Michael Tolland, and Corky Marlinson. Some of the NASA staff had begun noticing the civilians were missing. Relax, Ekstrom told himself. Everything is under control. He breathed deeply, reminding himself that everyone on the planet was excited about NASA and space right now. Extraterrestrial life hadn’t been this exciting a topic since the famous â€Å"Roswell incident† back in 1947-the alleged crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, New Mexico, which was now the shrine to millions of UFO-conspiracy theorists even today. During Ekstrom’s years working at the Pentagon, he had learned that the Roswell incident had been nothing more than a military accident during a classified operation called Project Mogul-the flight test of a spy balloon being designed to listen in on Russian atomic tests. A prototype, while being tested, had drifted off course and crashed in the New Mexico desert. Unfortunately, a civilian found the wreckage before the military did. Unsuspecting rancher William Brazel had stumbled across a debris field of radical synthesized neoprene and lightweight metals unlike anything he’d ever seen, and he immediately called in the sheriff. Newspapers carried the story of the bizarre wreckage, and public interest grew fast. Fueled by the military’s denial that the wreckage was theirs, reporters launched investigations, and the covert status of Project Mogul came into serious jeopardy. Just as it seemed the sensitive issue of a spy balloon was about to be revealed, something wonderful happened. The media drew an unexpected conclusion. They decided the scraps of futuristic substance could only have come from an extraterrestrial source-creatures more scientifically advanced than humans. The military’s denial of the incident obviously had to be one thing only-a cover-up of contact with aliens! Although baffled by this new hypothesis, the air force was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. They grabbed the alien story and ran with it; the world’s suspicion that aliens were visiting New Mexico was far less a threat to national security than that of the Russians catching wind of Project Mogul. To fuel the alien cover story, the intelligence community shrouded the Roswell incident in secrecy and began orchestrating â€Å"security leaks†-quiet murmurings of alien contacts, recovered spaceships, and even a mysterious â€Å"Hangar 18† at Dayton’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the government was keeping alien bodies on ice. The world bought the story, and Roswell fever swept the globe. From that moment on, whenever a civilian mistakenly spotted an advanced U.S. military aircraft, the intelligence community simply dusted off the old conspiracy. That’s not an aircraft, that’s an alien spaceship! Ekstrom was amazed to think this simple deception was still working today. Every time the media reported a sudden flurry of UFO sightings, Ekstrom had to laugh. Chances were some lucky civilian had caught a glimpse of one of the NRO’s fifty-seven fast-moving, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft known as Global Hawks-oblong, remote-controlled aircraft that looked like nothing else in the sky. Ekstrom found it pathetic that countless tourists still made pilgrimages to the New Mexico desert to scan the night skies with their video cameras. Occasionally one got lucky and captured â€Å"hard evidence† of a UFO-bright lights flitting around the sky with more maneuverability and speed than any aircraft humans had ever built. What these people failed to realize, of course, was that there existed a twelve-year lag between what the government could build and what the public knew about. These UFO-gazers were simply catching a glimpse of the next generation of U.S. aircraft being developed out at Area 51-many of which were the brainstorms of NASA engineers. Of course, intelligence officials never corrected the misconception; it was obviously preferable that the world read about another UFO sighting than to have people learn the U.S. military’s true flight capabilities. But everything has changed now, Ekstrom thought. In a few hours, the extraterrestrial myth would become a confirmed reality, forever. â€Å"Administrator?† A NASA technician hurried across the ice behind him. â€Å"You have an emergency secure call in the PSC.† Ekstrom sighed, turning. What the hell could it be now? He headed for the communications trailer. The technician hurried along beside him. â€Å"The guys manning the radar in the PSC were curious, sir†¦ â€Å" â€Å"Yeah?† Ekstrom’s thoughts were still far away. â€Å"The fat-body sub stationed off the coast here? We were wondering why you didn’t mention it to us.† Ekstrom glanced up. â€Å"I’m sorry?† â€Å"The submarine, sir? You could have at least told the guys on radar. Additional seaboard security is understandable, but it took our radar team off guard.† Ekstrom stopped short. â€Å"What submarine?† The technician stopped now too, clearly not expecting the administrator’s surprise. â€Å"She’s not part of our operation?† â€Å"No! Where is it?† The technician swallowed hard. â€Å"About three miles out. We caught her on radar by chance. Only surfaced for a couple minutes. Pretty big blip. Had to be a fat-body. We figured you’d asked the navy to stand watch over this op without telling any of us.† Ekstrom stared. â€Å"I most certainly did not!† Now the technician’s voice wavered. â€Å"Well, sir, then I guess I should inform you that a sub just rendezvoused with an aircraft right off the coast here. Looked like a personnel change. Actually, we were all pretty impressed anyone would attempt a wet-dry vertical in this kind of wind.† How to cite Deception Point Page 64, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Success in Life Means Money free essay sample

When the goal is to become a millionaire, in building a career, starting in business or entering a profession, then success will depend on how much money is earned, but many people do not have that ambition to be immensely rich. Most people gain satisfaction from experiencing success when reaching career goals, by being innovative in business or from recognition of excellence in carrying out professional duties. Not having enough money can cause many problems both personally and financially. I find myself getting stressed out when financial hardship has come my way. That stress then has a snowball effect on my personal relationship with family and friends. I find myself constantly thinking of the pile of bills stacking up and how I am going to find the money to pay all the bills. When my stress level rises it causes tension between my spouse and myself. People say money isnt everything but it sure does make life easier to have enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle. We will write a custom essay sample on Success in Life Means Money or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you have money, and lots of it, you open the path to a lot of opportunities that other poor, impoverished people do not have. Of course, you dont necessarily need to walk down those paths to be successful, but for the most part if you want success, you will need money. Everyone views success as being associated with money. But being wealthy doesnt necessarily mean happiness. Sure it would be nice to be wealthy, but happiness depends on the person. If I was wealthy I would be happy because I can buy everything I want, and help the poor. That alone brings me great happiness =) But really who wouldnt want to be wealthy? If it was there for the taking I bet everyone will like to be wealthy. I mean you can be just as happy living without wealth, than living with wealth. Money can be a great friend, but at the same time an enemy. If money can solve a problem, it isnt a problem. The real problem is money. I agree that you could be successful if you work really hard youre whole life to become something such as a doctor, lawyer, scientist, inventor, etc. , and end up earning a lot of money. Even some actors/actresses, singers, and dancers  work hard in acting, music, or dance  school in order to become a successful actor/actress, singer, or dancer. omewhat but it also means finding happiness but to really make it in this world, you need money so money money money = success in life. I know money is not everything but everything is need money is not a priority but it still very important. Im sorry in advance but i dont believe when people say success and happiness is not about money. Money is important and quite almost everything, No matter how pretty your girlfriend are you haved, and no matter how many friends are you haved, YOU ARE NOT SUCCEED!. Succeed mean you have a lot of money on you and your income keep increasing at the same time. it useless to have money if you dont know how to earn it, only know how to use it. in the end even a gold mountain will finish if you just know how to take it but not earn it. investing and hardwork and smart thinking of business are the key, if people only know hardwork they wont have progress, they only be a labor for money at the last It doesnt necessarily mean money but its pretty dang useful. money is important to satisfies your needs and this satisfaction is temporary. I say its temporary because us humans are needy people, we want more and more. Of course money is good if it is used properly such as helping those in need. Money is a big help and does make life a lot easier, but it is not the most important thing. The most important thing is Happiness with you, your family and everyone else. In Cambridge dictionary, successful is defined as: â€Å"having achieved a lot, become popular and made a lot of money†. I don`t agree with you that happiness will never be bought. Can you imagine if you are a homeless man and you live in poverty, will you be happy? To my mind with the help of money people can become happier because due to money all basic physical needs are satisfied; for such people it is enough to have any shelter, warmth, available food or water supply, and they could feel safety. In these situations, money absolutely will make you happier. money can buy things which bring happiness, and in that sense, yes it can buy happiness. but then again it also depends on each individuals definition of happiness. it may buy one person happiness yet bring another nothing. money is not everything but it makes you everything. nd you can observe this difference in real life. a rich man has a strength in his life that you could not see in a middle class or poor man. So, it shows money has power.. First of all, not all writers are reach or have normal condition of life. What about goals achievement? Yes in that case I am agree with you that people who reach their dream or life aims are successful. All of us dream to achieve our goals and beco me successful. What the word successful means for majority of us? Of course becoming very rich or have big amounts of money. Therefore, I think that MONEY-SUCCESS. Money is the thing, by the help of which we can buy everything, and even popularity!!!!! I know a lot of people who have different conditions of life. People who are rich they are successful. They pay for everything; for education, or even for their health. Why i mention the issue about health? Majority of us thinks that healthy people are successful. Yes it`s right. But we must pay attention to the fact that rich people are more healthy, because they pay for it; they can buy any expensive medicine in order to avoid different kinds of illnesses. Now what about the title of my debate Money-success or why i choose it? we must thing about the fact that we can buy everything if we are rich; health, knowledge and everything what we wants!!!! It is unquestionable that there have been many popular people that did not have enough money. They have achieved a lot but they have no fortune. Are these people successful? According to the definition, they are not successful. Being successful is about achieving a lot, becoming popular and having a lot of money. How much do we know about people who have achieved a lot yet they do not have any money? How much do we know about people who have a lot of money and yet they have not achieved as much as those popular-but-poor people? Our knowledge of both categories is incomparable. Media seems to give a lot of attention to the well-off not to the badly-off. If one wants to be successful in the eyes of people, then earning money is paramount here. The meaning of being successful has changed. It is no longer like in days gone by. Nowadays, celebrities are the most successful people. But what do they really do to deserve that? Endorsed products that they have never tried? Celebrities in my opinion do nothing for the colossal amount of money they get. They are not really successful if we want to tackle the real meaning of success here. Yet the media shows them as being the most successful people on earth. The only reason is that celebrities earn huge amounts of money. If one goes around saying that success does not go hand in hand with money, people would think that s/he lacks in the brain department. Life has become very difficult and people no longer have that kind of mind set. Wage-earners are struggling everyday. You need to earn more to stay alive in this dog-eat-dog world. Why do teenagers want to be models? And why young boys want to be soccer players? It is because such people earn a lot of money while doing nothing. If modeling and soccer were not breeding grounds for huge amounts of money, no one would care about them. Success goes hand in hand with money. This is the sad truth. For the media and people in general, celebrities are very successful even though they do not achieve important things. Poor people will not be successful in the eyes of the media and people even if they achieve a lot. The only difference between them is money. It is what success is about these days. Money became as problems solvers. There are some examples: you are ill, pay more money, because you will have more pills for recovery. You need a job, pay money-you will have a job, even on the high level, though you graduated from university and not have enough experience. You want to eat, pay money for products. What else Everything depends on money. Money surrounds us. On the contrary, success starts from money, but development depends on persons skills, does not it? As an example- you paid money and what? As well you paid, as you can be dismissed from job, because you did not anything at all and you are unprofessional. You should know that money cannot solve all problems. It can only facilitate, but the working process do not face with money. People get used to think that easy money comes easily. It is a mistake. Easy money comes easily and goes away the same. If you want to be convinced that it is look at Beyonce Knowles. She is RnB singer. Have a look at her concerts. She works hard, making a lot of efforts by physical activity. She uses physical efforts. Others use mental efforts, for instance scientists. Cannot they get money by making new innovations and discovering new things? Art and science are important aspects in peoples lives. Money can help us to succeed, but it also can turn us into predators. We should control ourselves and an itch for making more money