Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Industrial Revolution Of Philadelphia - 1524 Words

INTRODUCTION: April 8, 2012 was the Sunday that Easter was celebrated that year. This date will also be forever remembered as the day that Lieutenant Robert Neary and Firefighter Daniel Sweeney lost their lives at the Thomas Buck Hosiery Factory fire in Philadelphia, PA. Since William Penn first founded the city of Philadelphia in 1682, it has been an evolving and growing city, from a 17th century colonial city to the capital of the United States during the American Revolution. The industrial revolution of the 19th century transformed the green fields of lower Kensington, a section of Philadelphia, to a mixture of homes and mills by 1875.†¦show more content†¦At 03:17 am, Engine 2 arrives on location and reports that he has heavy fire showing from the first and second floors, and requests a full first alarm assignment. One minute later he reported that he had fire all the way t o the roof in a 6-story building, 60’ x one city block. He then requested a full second alarm assignment and notified the dispatch center to prepare for the third alarm. Around 3:30 am, before most 2nd alarm companies arrived on the fireground. the first of many collapses occurred. A large section of wall collapsed from the upper story on the York Street side and crashed on to the street. By 4:01 am, this fire would grow to a five-alarm response. With the arrival of Engine 2 and other arriving companies, command was established, and the fire scene was divided into four geographic divisions (A, B, C, D) to manage this defensive fire. Command was passed from Engine 2 to the Battalion Commander, then to the Division commander and lastly to the Deputy Commissioner. As the fire intensified, the command structure grew to include an operations section, logistics, safety and an exposure group lead by a Battalion Chief. For over two hours the approximately 45 apparatus and ov er 150 firefighters and paramedics fought to contain the fire to the original complex and protect the surrounding neighborhood. The weather that night brought 17 mph winds, with gusts over 30 mph. These winds, combined with the heavy fire loadShow MoreRelatedThe Industrial Revolution : A Small Parts Of A Larger Manufacturing Development849 Words   |  4 PagesIn order to increase productivity of the fast changing economy, the Industrial Revolution presented new organizational strategies. Small parts of a much larger manufacturing development, known as outwork system were carried out in many individual homes. The outwork system was essential, especially for making footwear. The major step-forward was under the factory system. This system allowed work to be performed on a large scale in a single centralized location. 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Creating chaos amongst the peaceful streets of Springfield, armed farmers were stopped by state militia. Shays rebellion led way to the Philadelphia Convention in which fifty-five men representing twelve states congregated on 1787, in proposal of drafting a new constitution. Through the occurrence of the American Revolution, they were aware of the power that their people were able to execute and wanted to stabilize the government by creating a new Constitution. Members includedRead MoreEssay about The Industrial Revolution1394 Words   |  6 PagesThe Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a great leap in manufacturing technology that had many benefits to mankind. The standard of living was raised to a higher level, products were being made could be made more efficiently and with less production costs, and many people became able to support themselves and live a life away from their parents farm. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 64 Free Essays

â€Å"Holy shit!† The pilot pulled back on the stick, jolting upward. The black mountain of steel rose before them out of the waves without warning. A gargantuan unmarked submarine blew its ballast and rose on a cloud of bubbles. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 64 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The pilots exchanged uneasy laughs. â€Å"Guess that’s them.† As ordered, the transaction proceeded under complete radio silence. The doublewide portal on the peak of the sail opened and a seaman flashed them signals with a strobe light. The chopper then moved over the sub and dropped a three-man rescue harness, essentially three rubberized loops on a retractable cable. Within sixty seconds, the three unknown â€Å"danglers† were swinging beneath the chopper, ascending slowly against the downdraft of the rotors. When the copilot hauled them aboard-two men and a woman-the pilot flashed the sub the â€Å"all clear.† Within seconds, the enormous vessel disappeared beneath the windswept sea, leaving no trace it had ever been there. With the passengers safely aboard, the chopper pilot faced front, dipped the nose of the chopper, and accelerated south to complete his mission. The storm was closing fast, and these three strangers were to be brought safely back to Thule AFB for further jet transport. Where they were headed, the pilot had no idea. All he knew was that his orders had been from high up, and he was transporting very precious cargo. 75 When the Milne storm finally exploded, unleashing its full force on the NASA habisphere, the dome shuddered as if ready to lift off the ice and launch out to sea. The steel stabilizing cables pulled taut against their stakes, vibrating like huge guitar strings and letting out a doleful drone. The generators outside stuttered, causing the lights to flicker, threatening to plunge the huge room into total blackness. NASA administrator Lawrence Ekstrom strode across the interior of the dome. He wished he were getting the hell out of here tonight, but that was not to be. He would remain another day, giving additional on-site press conferences in the morning and overseeing preparations to transport the meteorite back to Washington. He wanted nothing more at the moment than to get some sleep; the day’s unexpected problems had taken a lot out of him. Ekstrom’s thoughts turned yet again to Wailee Ming, Rachel Sexton, Norah Mangor, Michael Tolland, and Corky Marlinson. Some of the NASA staff had begun noticing the civilians were missing. Relax, Ekstrom told himself. Everything is under control. He breathed deeply, reminding himself that everyone on the planet was excited about NASA and space right now. Extraterrestrial life hadn’t been this exciting a topic since the famous â€Å"Roswell incident† back in 1947-the alleged crash of an alien spaceship in Roswell, New Mexico, which was now the shrine to millions of UFO-conspiracy theorists even today. During Ekstrom’s years working at the Pentagon, he had learned that the Roswell incident had been nothing more than a military accident during a classified operation called Project Mogul-the flight test of a spy balloon being designed to listen in on Russian atomic tests. A prototype, while being tested, had drifted off course and crashed in the New Mexico desert. Unfortunately, a civilian found the wreckage before the military did. Unsuspecting rancher William Brazel had stumbled across a debris field of radical synthesized neoprene and lightweight metals unlike anything he’d ever seen, and he immediately called in the sheriff. Newspapers carried the story of the bizarre wreckage, and public interest grew fast. Fueled by the military’s denial that the wreckage was theirs, reporters launched investigations, and the covert status of Project Mogul came into serious jeopardy. Just as it seemed the sensitive issue of a spy balloon was about to be revealed, something wonderful happened. The media drew an unexpected conclusion. They decided the scraps of futuristic substance could only have come from an extraterrestrial source-creatures more scientifically advanced than humans. The military’s denial of the incident obviously had to be one thing only-a cover-up of contact with aliens! Although baffled by this new hypothesis, the air force was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. They grabbed the alien story and ran with it; the world’s suspicion that aliens were visiting New Mexico was far less a threat to national security than that of the Russians catching wind of Project Mogul. To fuel the alien cover story, the intelligence community shrouded the Roswell incident in secrecy and began orchestrating â€Å"security leaks†-quiet murmurings of alien contacts, recovered spaceships, and even a mysterious â€Å"Hangar 18† at Dayton’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the government was keeping alien bodies on ice. The world bought the story, and Roswell fever swept the globe. From that moment on, whenever a civilian mistakenly spotted an advanced U.S. military aircraft, the intelligence community simply dusted off the old conspiracy. That’s not an aircraft, that’s an alien spaceship! Ekstrom was amazed to think this simple deception was still working today. Every time the media reported a sudden flurry of UFO sightings, Ekstrom had to laugh. Chances were some lucky civilian had caught a glimpse of one of the NRO’s fifty-seven fast-moving, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft known as Global Hawks-oblong, remote-controlled aircraft that looked like nothing else in the sky. Ekstrom found it pathetic that countless tourists still made pilgrimages to the New Mexico desert to scan the night skies with their video cameras. Occasionally one got lucky and captured â€Å"hard evidence† of a UFO-bright lights flitting around the sky with more maneuverability and speed than any aircraft humans had ever built. What these people failed to realize, of course, was that there existed a twelve-year lag between what the government could build and what the public knew about. These UFO-gazers were simply catching a glimpse of the next generation of U.S. aircraft being developed out at Area 51-many of which were the brainstorms of NASA engineers. Of course, intelligence officials never corrected the misconception; it was obviously preferable that the world read about another UFO sighting than to have people learn the U.S. military’s true flight capabilities. But everything has changed now, Ekstrom thought. In a few hours, the extraterrestrial myth would become a confirmed reality, forever. â€Å"Administrator?† A NASA technician hurried across the ice behind him. â€Å"You have an emergency secure call in the PSC.† Ekstrom sighed, turning. What the hell could it be now? He headed for the communications trailer. The technician hurried along beside him. â€Å"The guys manning the radar in the PSC were curious, sir†¦ â€Å" â€Å"Yeah?† Ekstrom’s thoughts were still far away. â€Å"The fat-body sub stationed off the coast here? We were wondering why you didn’t mention it to us.† Ekstrom glanced up. â€Å"I’m sorry?† â€Å"The submarine, sir? You could have at least told the guys on radar. Additional seaboard security is understandable, but it took our radar team off guard.† Ekstrom stopped short. â€Å"What submarine?† The technician stopped now too, clearly not expecting the administrator’s surprise. â€Å"She’s not part of our operation?† â€Å"No! Where is it?† The technician swallowed hard. â€Å"About three miles out. We caught her on radar by chance. Only surfaced for a couple minutes. Pretty big blip. Had to be a fat-body. We figured you’d asked the navy to stand watch over this op without telling any of us.† Ekstrom stared. â€Å"I most certainly did not!† Now the technician’s voice wavered. â€Å"Well, sir, then I guess I should inform you that a sub just rendezvoused with an aircraft right off the coast here. Looked like a personnel change. Actually, we were all pretty impressed anyone would attempt a wet-dry vertical in this kind of wind.† How to cite Deception Point Page 64, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Success in Life Means Money free essay sample

When the goal is to become a millionaire, in building a career, starting in business or entering a profession, then success will depend on how much money is earned, but many people do not have that ambition to be immensely rich. Most people gain satisfaction from experiencing success when reaching career goals, by being innovative in business or from recognition of excellence in carrying out professional duties. Not having enough money can cause many problems both personally and financially. I find myself getting stressed out when financial hardship has come my way. That stress then has a snowball effect on my personal relationship with family and friends. I find myself constantly thinking of the pile of bills stacking up and how I am going to find the money to pay all the bills. When my stress level rises it causes tension between my spouse and myself. People say money isnt everything but it sure does make life easier to have enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle. We will write a custom essay sample on Success in Life Means Money or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If you have money, and lots of it, you open the path to a lot of opportunities that other poor, impoverished people do not have. Of course, you dont necessarily need to walk down those paths to be successful, but for the most part if you want success, you will need money. Everyone views success as being associated with money. But being wealthy doesnt necessarily mean happiness. Sure it would be nice to be wealthy, but happiness depends on the person. If I was wealthy I would be happy because I can buy everything I want, and help the poor. That alone brings me great happiness =) But really who wouldnt want to be wealthy? If it was there for the taking I bet everyone will like to be wealthy. I mean you can be just as happy living without wealth, than living with wealth. Money can be a great friend, but at the same time an enemy. If money can solve a problem, it isnt a problem. The real problem is money. I agree that you could be successful if you work really hard youre whole life to become something such as a doctor, lawyer, scientist, inventor, etc. , and end up earning a lot of money. Even some actors/actresses, singers, and dancers  work hard in acting, music, or dance  school in order to become a successful actor/actress, singer, or dancer. omewhat but it also means finding happiness but to really make it in this world, you need money so money money money = success in life. I know money is not everything but everything is need money is not a priority but it still very important. Im sorry in advance but i dont believe when people say success and happiness is not about money. Money is important and quite almost everything, No matter how pretty your girlfriend are you haved, and no matter how many friends are you haved, YOU ARE NOT SUCCEED!. Succeed mean you have a lot of money on you and your income keep increasing at the same time. it useless to have money if you dont know how to earn it, only know how to use it. in the end even a gold mountain will finish if you just know how to take it but not earn it. investing and hardwork and smart thinking of business are the key, if people only know hardwork they wont have progress, they only be a labor for money at the last It doesnt necessarily mean money but its pretty dang useful. money is important to satisfies your needs and this satisfaction is temporary. I say its temporary because us humans are needy people, we want more and more. Of course money is good if it is used properly such as helping those in need. Money is a big help and does make life a lot easier, but it is not the most important thing. The most important thing is Happiness with you, your family and everyone else. In Cambridge dictionary, successful is defined as: â€Å"having achieved a lot, become popular and made a lot of money†. I don`t agree with you that happiness will never be bought. Can you imagine if you are a homeless man and you live in poverty, will you be happy? To my mind with the help of money people can become happier because due to money all basic physical needs are satisfied; for such people it is enough to have any shelter, warmth, available food or water supply, and they could feel safety. In these situations, money absolutely will make you happier. money can buy things which bring happiness, and in that sense, yes it can buy happiness. but then again it also depends on each individuals definition of happiness. it may buy one person happiness yet bring another nothing. money is not everything but it makes you everything. nd you can observe this difference in real life. a rich man has a strength in his life that you could not see in a middle class or poor man. So, it shows money has power.. First of all, not all writers are reach or have normal condition of life. What about goals achievement? Yes in that case I am agree with you that people who reach their dream or life aims are successful. All of us dream to achieve our goals and beco me successful. What the word successful means for majority of us? Of course becoming very rich or have big amounts of money. Therefore, I think that MONEY-SUCCESS. Money is the thing, by the help of which we can buy everything, and even popularity!!!!! I know a lot of people who have different conditions of life. People who are rich they are successful. They pay for everything; for education, or even for their health. Why i mention the issue about health? Majority of us thinks that healthy people are successful. Yes it`s right. But we must pay attention to the fact that rich people are more healthy, because they pay for it; they can buy any expensive medicine in order to avoid different kinds of illnesses. Now what about the title of my debate Money-success or why i choose it? we must thing about the fact that we can buy everything if we are rich; health, knowledge and everything what we wants!!!! It is unquestionable that there have been many popular people that did not have enough money. They have achieved a lot but they have no fortune. Are these people successful? According to the definition, they are not successful. Being successful is about achieving a lot, becoming popular and having a lot of money. How much do we know about people who have achieved a lot yet they do not have any money? How much do we know about people who have a lot of money and yet they have not achieved as much as those popular-but-poor people? Our knowledge of both categories is incomparable. Media seems to give a lot of attention to the well-off not to the badly-off. If one wants to be successful in the eyes of people, then earning money is paramount here. The meaning of being successful has changed. It is no longer like in days gone by. Nowadays, celebrities are the most successful people. But what do they really do to deserve that? Endorsed products that they have never tried? Celebrities in my opinion do nothing for the colossal amount of money they get. They are not really successful if we want to tackle the real meaning of success here. Yet the media shows them as being the most successful people on earth. The only reason is that celebrities earn huge amounts of money. If one goes around saying that success does not go hand in hand with money, people would think that s/he lacks in the brain department. Life has become very difficult and people no longer have that kind of mind set. Wage-earners are struggling everyday. You need to earn more to stay alive in this dog-eat-dog world. Why do teenagers want to be models? And why young boys want to be soccer players? It is because such people earn a lot of money while doing nothing. If modeling and soccer were not breeding grounds for huge amounts of money, no one would care about them. Success goes hand in hand with money. This is the sad truth. For the media and people in general, celebrities are very successful even though they do not achieve important things. Poor people will not be successful in the eyes of the media and people even if they achieve a lot. The only difference between them is money. It is what success is about these days. Money became as problems solvers. There are some examples: you are ill, pay more money, because you will have more pills for recovery. You need a job, pay money-you will have a job, even on the high level, though you graduated from university and not have enough experience. You want to eat, pay money for products. What else Everything depends on money. Money surrounds us. On the contrary, success starts from money, but development depends on persons skills, does not it? As an example- you paid money and what? As well you paid, as you can be dismissed from job, because you did not anything at all and you are unprofessional. You should know that money cannot solve all problems. It can only facilitate, but the working process do not face with money. People get used to think that easy money comes easily. It is a mistake. Easy money comes easily and goes away the same. If you want to be convinced that it is look at Beyonce Knowles. She is RnB singer. Have a look at her concerts. She works hard, making a lot of efforts by physical activity. She uses physical efforts. Others use mental efforts, for instance scientists. Cannot they get money by making new innovations and discovering new things? Art and science are important aspects in peoples lives. Money can help us to succeed, but it also can turn us into predators. We should control ourselves and an itch for making more money

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Social Barriers in Gattaca Essay Example

Social Barriers in Gattaca Paper The society of Cattle separates its citizens into categories based on their genetic makeup, thus segregating its citizens into distinct categories. The most prominent social barrier evident in Cattle is the one isolating the natural born from the genetically modified. Vincent, being a God-child, was regarded by society as a second class citizen for his genetic inferiority. Vincent experiences rejection at a very young age. Due to his heart condition he was deemed too great a risk to attend kindergarten with the so called normal children. No one wanted to be held responsible should he fall ill whilst under their care. At such a tender and impressionable age, it was made painfully obvious to Vincent that he was not like the other children. The tall, imposing gate of the kindergarten slammed in Vincent face seems symbolic of the social chasm lying between Vincent and the valid children. In this scene, the movie utilizes a close up shot of Vincent small, childish hand gripping the thick, steel bar of the kindergarten gate to further emphasizes to the audience of Vincent rejection. Not only Is Vincent discriminated against by society, his family, to an extent, also ejected him. Niccole shows this emotional distance between Vincent and his family In a number of subtle ways. Many times we are shown Anton conversing happily with his parents while Vincent stands off to the side. At meal times we see Vincent sitting at the coffee table studying the theories of space travel whilst his family sits around the dining table. In the family photo we see Anton standing In the middle of his mother and father while Vincent stands off to the side. Vincent father rejects him at birth, refusing to give his first-born son his name. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Barriers in Gattaca specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Barriers in Gattaca specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Barriers in Gattaca specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He continues to view his son as a bystander member of society as Vincent grows up, saying to him that the only way youll see the Inside of a space ship Is If you were cleaning It. Vincent Isolation from mainstream society exacerbates as he enters adulthood. He and his fellow Invalids were considered to be of the lowest social class and given the most menial and unsanitary of Jobs. Whilst working as a Janitor at Cattle, Vincent looks up through the glassed roof at the launching of a rocket ship, the medium shot of his face showing the audience the captivation he felt at coming face to face with his dream. Separated from his aspirations by a thin panel of glass, Vincent narrated that he had never been more certain of how far he was away from his goals than when he was standing right beside It. Later, with the borrowed Identity of Jerome, Vincent once again looks up at the glassed ceiling at the rocket ships, this time as a prized employee of Cattle. This scene contrasts with the previous, and shows Vincent achievements In breaching the seemingly Impenetrable social barrier between himself and the socially elite. By Eddie Not only is Vincent discriminated against by society, his family, to an extent, also rejected him. Niccole shows this emotional distance between Vincent and his family in the dining table. In the family photo we see Anton standing in the middle of his youll see the inside of a space ship is if you were cleaning it. Vincent isolation from mainstream society exacerbates as he enters adulthood. He and his fellow invalids were considered to be of the lowest social class and given the when he was standing right beside it. Later, with the borrowed identity of Jerome, Vincent once again looks up at the glassed ceiling at the rocket ships, this time as a Vincent achievements in breaching the seemingly impenetrable social barrier

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Conversion Factor Definition and Examples

Conversion Factor Definition and Examples A conversion factor is the number or formula you need to convert a measurement in one set of units to the same measurement in another set of units. The number is usually given as a numerical ratio or fraction that can be used as a multiplication factor. For example, say you have a length that is measured in feet and you wish to report on it in meters. If you know that there are 3.048 feet in a meter, then you can use that as a conversion factor to determine what the same distance is in meters.   One foot is 12 inches long, and the conversion factor of 1 foot to inches is 12. In yards, 1 foot is equal to 1/3 yard (conversion factor of 1 foot to yards is 1/3) so forth. The same length is 0.3048 meters, and it is also 30.48 centimeters. To convert 10 feet to inches, multiply 10 times 12 (the conversion factor) 120 inchesTo convert 10 feet to yards, multiply 10 x 1/3 3.3333 yards (or 3 1/3 yards)To convert 10 feet to meters, multiply 10 x .3048 3.048 metersTo convert 10 feet to centimeters, multiply 10 x 30.48 304.8 centimeters Examples of Conversion Factors There many different types of measurements that sometimes require conversions: length (linear), area (two dimensional) and volume (three dimensional) are the most common, but you can also use conversion factors to convert mass, speed, density, and force. Conversion factors are used for conversions within the imperial system (feet, pounds, gallons), within the International System of Units (SI, and the modern form of the metric system: meters, kilograms, liters) or across the two.   Remember, the two values must represent the same quantity as each other. For example, its possible to convert between two units of mass (e.g., grams to pounds), but you generally cant convert between units of mass and volume (e.g., grams to gallons). Examples of conversion factors include: 1 gallon 3.78541 liters (volume)  1 pound 16 ounces (mass)  1 kilogram 1,000 grams (mass)  1 pound 453.592 grams (mass)1 minute 60000 milliseconds (time)  1 square mile 2.58999 square kilometers (area)   Using a Conversion Factor For example, to change a time measurement from hours to days, use a conversion factor of 1 day 24 hours. time in days time in hours x (1 day/24 hours) The (1 day/24 hours) is the conversion factor. Note that following the equal sign, the units for hours cancel out, leaving only the unit for days.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Watership Down Quotes

'Watership Down' Quotes Watership Down is a novel by Richard Adams. Its popular on many high school reading lists. The work is an allegory: a fantasy about a group of rabbits in search of a warren. Here are a few quotes from Watership Down. The Threarah doesnt like anything he hasnt thought of for himself.- Richard Adams, Watership Down Note: This quote refers to the chief rabbit, and it tells us a little bit about the leadership in the rabbit community. This is the type of example that the younger generations have to followthe leaders they have to look up to. Its very self-centered  and does not consider what is best for the community. El-ahrairah, your people cannot rule the world, for I will not have it so. All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.- Richard Adams, Watership Down Note: This quote reminds us of many of the trickster-like tales and legends. In Watership Down, the quote is derived from Dandelions myth. As in many of the other mythic tales were familiar with in literary history, gifts are given: intelligence (cunning), speed (runner), and strength (digger). Rabbits need dignity and above all the will to accept their fate.- Richard Adams, Watership DownTheyd altered what rabbits do naturally because they thought they could do better.- Richard Adams, Watership Down Note: Animals in the wild will act (and react) in certain ways that seem natural, but are also part of learned responses. When they learn that those behaviors are no longer required, some animals begin to act in unnatural ways. They could have comfortable burrows (for example), but buck rabbits wont (cant) dig. Their (natural) way of life has been changed. I think we ought to do all we can to make these creatures friendly. It might turn out to be well worth the trouble.- Richard Adams, Watership DownThe truth is, youre just a silly show-off.- Richard Adams, Watership DownWe all have to meet our match sometime or other.- Richard Adams, Watership DownI have learned that with creatures one loves, suffering is not the only thing for which one may pity them. A rabbit who does not know when a gift has made him safe is poorer than a slug, even though he may think otherwise himself.- Richard Adams, Watership DownIf a rabbit gave advice and the advice wasnt accepted, he immediately forgot it, and so did everyone else.- Richard Adams, Watership DownIf my authority goes, where will yours be in half a day.- Richard Adams, Watership Down

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Marketing Plan - Essay Example This is its competitive strategy. This plan looks into details the company’s information including its market and competitive strategies. It also conducts a SWOT analysis on the company and gives adequate recommendations. This airline company is situated in Dallas –Texas. Founded in 1967, the airline company started its operations in 1971. It has approximated employees of 44831 employees. It operates a total of 3400 or more flights per day. It flights services 89 destinations in 42 states. It has over 550 Boeing 737 operating at a high rate of six flights each day. It acquired fellow Air Tran Airways in 2011 and expectations are high on integrating the carriers by end 2014. The company became one airline in 2012 after it was issued with an operating certificate (J. Leach, 34). The mission of this airline is the dedication to provision of high quality customer service delivered in a way of bringing out warmth to the customers, friendliness and the best company spirit. The CEO, Gary Kelly admits that the company’s employees are their competitive strategy. The company has a purpose of connecting all individuals to the most important aspects of their lives in a friendlier, more reliable and very pocket friendly travel. Thus, it aims at having a large clientele base. To ensure quality customer service, the company motivates its employees. It ensures that their pay is good thus the employees are ever smiling especially the ones in close contact with the clients. The company also enhances its vision and mission to its employees by the power of storytelling. This also strengthens the employees’ daily interactions with customers. Every month, the south west spirit magazine has a story of one of its employees who has succeeded in the field. This motivates other employees. The stories are also accompanied by videos to assist all employees in visualizing each and every step they make.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Affirmative Action Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Affirmative Action Policy - Term Paper Example Without this ideologically divisive legislation to help ensure equal opportunity in the workplace, the balance of power in this nation would still more heavily favor the ethnic majority and occupational segregation would still continue much more blatantly than it still does today. A society’s evolution is dependent upon social acceptance on a widespread basis, a slow process that doesn’t appear to happen naturally without the introduction of affirmative action policies. From the time of its implementation, affirmative action laws have succeeded in balancing the scale of employment opportunities available to persons of all ethnicities. The main tool of affirmative action policies, the quota system, is used by governmental offices. It reflects the specific region’s ethnic demographics therefore allowing for legitimate equality that is not biased towards any specific race. Even though the majority ethnic group, white persons, may today think they are being treated u njustly because they have undeniably lost a little ground from an financial perspective, the scale of justice has been adjusted closer to the center thanks mainly to affirmative action hiring policies which demonstrates the need for this system to continue. The expression â€Å"affirmative action† first appeared in 1965 on Executive Order 11246 signed by President Lyndon Johnson. The Order mandated that federal government contractors to â€Å"take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.† In 1967 Johnson expanded the Order to shield women from discrimination too. The Order reads, in part, â€Å"A contractor in violation of E.O. 11246 may have its contracts canceled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part, and the contractor may be debarred, i.e., declared ineligible for future government contracts.† 1 From its inception, affir mative action hiring policies have helped many thousands from formerly disadvantaged segments of society who have since achieved access to civil service jobs that had been denied previously. This includes persons of color, other ethnic minorities and women who had been excluded from jobs or denied the equal opportunities for advancement within the government institution once attaining access. These employment gains have translated to very real improvements not just in individual person’s lives but in the progression of society’s concept of justice for all. Affirmative action programs cannot hope to eliminate racist attitudes but can mitigate the effects caused by institutional racism. These programs and policies vary with regard to their directives and extent of conformity according to the nature of the chosen organization when applying to the Federal Government. By utilizing this adaptable approach, contractors who maintain a business relationship with the Government may have to adhere more strictly to affirmative action precepts than those of the private sector. The concept of affirmative action has had its opponents and implementing the policy has had its problems, but to eliminate this guiding principle of equal opportunity would be to erase the hard fought successes of the Civil Rights Movement and return to blatant racism present in the country prior to the 1960’s. Arguments involving affirmative action policies are more extensive than just the legality of the issue. It is the ethical responsibility of every person and institution in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Summarise the key factors that influence the health of children today Essay Example for Free

Summarise the key factors that influence the health of children today Essay There are plenty of factors that can influence childs development today, its important to be able to try and give your child all the main stuff like food, shelter, warmth etc. for them to develop and grow up correctly. One of the factors is Diet/exercise. Good nutrition and plenty of exercise are the building blocks for strong growth, healthy development and lifelong well-being for children. However many children today dont receive proper meals and the exercise that they need to grow up strong and healthy. Children that don’t receive proper meals (at least 3 meals a day) can be affected physically and mentally, they wont have the energy to do physical activities which then affects their exercise, and wont be able to function properly at school by being too tired because lack of food provides lack of energy for the body to function. Parents that have low income or cant provide for the child to have proper meals can apply or free school meals at school, and sign the child up for breakfast club as well. That way children will get their breakfast, snack, and dinner which should give them enough energy for the day at school. Once children receive the right amount of food and exercise they will be able to feel good about themselves/their bodies and their abilities, they will be able to cope with stress and emotions better, also they will avoid feelings of low self esteem, anxiety and depression. https://www. apa. org/topics/children/healthy-eating. aspx Another factor is genetics which influence the health and development of the child. This is because some illnesses are inherited through genes. For example Downs Syndrome, this has resulted from a chromosomal abnormality. The child can have problems such as heart defects and chest infections. Illnesses such as meningitis can cause epilepsy and hearing problems. These kind of illnesses must run in the family, and its a 50/50 chance that the child will be born with one of the genetic illnesses. http://www. nhs. uk/Conditions/Genetics/Pages/Facts. aspx Income is a big factor that can influence plenty of children today especially in poor areas of Britain. Parents that find it hard to provide and fulfil the needs of their children limit their development and achievements. Having low income will not only affect the childs eating, dressing and overall well being but also their education. Children that come from low income families, cant afford to go on school trips, buy better school equipment or new school uniform, therefore sometimes this might result in children getting bullied because children with more income will notice the less fortunate and will begin to pick on them. Its important for the teachers to treat all children the same no matter what their income is or if they cant afford certain things. Generally people with a high level of earning enjoy a better lifestyle, with better housing, better food, warm clothes and own transport Meggit C. (2001:9) http://www. jrf. org. uk/publications/does-money-affect-childrens-outcomes UnStable family is another important factor which might influence childrens health and well-being. Children that come from a broken home (their parents have separated or they live with their other family instead of parents) will find it hard to cope at school because they might get bullied for the simple reason that they dont live with both of their parents. For example, if a child isn’t able to live with both of their parents and lives with their grandparents or other family members because of certain reasons, other children at school might be curious and ask questions to why the child doesn’t live with their parents etc. young children don’t realise how cruel or nasty they might sound when they ask questions so without thinking about how the other child might feel, they ask what they want. Broken family can affect the childs emotional development especially at young age if the child used to live with both parents and then all of the sudden theyve separated because they didn’t get on, the child wont be able to understand why this has happened and might become depressed or very emotional. http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC3171291/ Different countries also affect the way children live and develop especially countries such as Africa or Pakistan where they have different policies that enable access to basic services and rights for children. For example An uneducated teenage mother living in rural areas of Africa where there is no hospital nearby, without clean water, proper meals, shelter or little income will find it difficult to care for her child. The country that children live in can affect them big time, for example in Pakistan the children go to work at very young age so they don’t have time for education which will limit their chances of getting a better job in the future. They have to work long hours for little money that wont even get the food on their table. As well as this, children that live in rural countries are more immune to catch any dangerous diseases from dirty water or animals etc. http://www. unicef. org. uk/ E2. Describe how immunisation programmes aim to prevent disease in children. Immunisation is a way to protect small children against serious diseases. Once children have been immunised, their bodies can fight those diseases if they end up catching them. If a child is not immunised they will be at risk from catching the disease and will rely on other people immunising their children to avoid becoming infected. An immunisation programme protects people against specific diseases by reducing the number of people getting the disease and preventing it from being passes on. With some disease like smallpox or polio its possible to eliminate them completely. Reason for immunisation against disease. As a parent it might be hard to watch your baby get an injection, however vaccination is an important step toward getting your child protected from serious and dangerous diseases. Vaccinations are quick easy and extremely effective. Not every disease can be immunised against, disease such as chicken pox or scarlet fewer are two of many that children cant be immunised against. How are they carried out? Immunisations are usually carried out in childs health clinics. The doctor will discuss any fears the parent might have about particular vaccines. No vaccine is completely risk free, and parents are asked to sign a consent form to give permission for the immunisation. Immunisations are only given if the child is well, and might be postponed if the child has a reaction to any previous immunisations or if the child is taking any medicine that might interfere with their ability to fight infections. Care of children after immunisation. Children should be observed closely after immunisation: -if fever occurs, keep the child cool, offer plenty of fluids and give childrens paracetamol -if the temperature remains high or if there are any other symptoms, such as convulsion call a doctor immediately. Children are usually very sensitive after their vaccines, so its important to keep a very close eye on them all the time to make sure theyre fine and no symptoms occur. http://www. nhs. uk/Conditions/vaccinations/Pages/reasons-to-have-your-child-vaccinated. aspx E3. Describe the signs and symptoms of the chosen childhood infectious disease. German Measles. What is it? Rubella, also known as German Measles is an infectious disease caused by the rubella virus. The virus passes from person to person via droplets in the air expelled when infected people cough or sneeze, the virus may also be present in the urine, face and on the skin. The hallmark symptom of rubella are an elevated body temperature and pink rash. German measles are contagious for 2-3 weeks. The disease starts a week before the rash develops and is contagious for a week after the rash has disappeared. Its most contagious while the rash is visible. Its important to keep your child off school for six days from the start of their rash. There is no specific treatment for the rubella infection. The condition is usually mild and improves without treatment. Although paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to reduce the fever and treat any aches or pains. Liquid infant paracetamol can be used for young children. If the child has a high temperature, its important to keep the child cool by using a damp flannel, also making sure that the child has plenty of fluids to prevent the child from dehydration. Cough medicine can be used to help your child with their cough. If youre a woman and get infected with the rubella when youre pregnant it may lead to complications such as miscarriage or cause the baby to be born with serious birth defects. The birth defect can be cataracts and other eye problems, deafness, heart and lung problems, a less developed brain, low birth weight and inflammation of the brain, lungs, liver and bone marrow. http://www. netdoctor. co. uk/diseases/facts/germanmeasles. htm Meningitis. Meningitis is an infection of the meninges (protective membranes) that surround the brain and spinal cord. The infection causes the meninges to become inflamed (swollen) which in some cases can damage the nerves and brain. There are two types of meningitis: -Bacterial meningitis: which is caused by bacteria such as Neisseria meningitides or Streptococcus pneumonia and spread through close contact. -Viral meningitis: this is caused by viruses that can be spread through coughing, sneezing and poor hygiene. Viral meningitis is the most common and less serious type of meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is spread by: -sneezing -coughing -kissing -sharing utensils -sharing personal possessions such as a toothbrush. Symptoms. Bacterial meningitis. It has a number of early warning signs that usually occur before the other symptoms, these are: -floppy and unresponsive -cold hands and feet, shivering -pale or blotchy skins with blue lips. The early symptoms os bacterial meningitis are similar to those of many other conditions and include: -staring expressions -fever -vomiting and refusing feeds -unusual crying and becoming irritable (not wanting to be held) As the condition gets worse it may cause: -very sleepy, hard to wake up -seizures -unable to tolerate brightness -red rash Viral meningitis -vomiting -diarrhoea -fever -headaches -photo phobia How is it treated. As in the case of bacterial meningitis, vaccinations programmes have successfully eliminated the threat from many viruses that used to cause viral meningitis. This is the MMR vaccine which provides children with immunity against mumps, once a leading cause of viral meningitis. Viral meningitis usually gets better within couple of weeks, with plenty of rest and pain killers for the headache. Bacterial meningitis is treated with antibiotics. These will be given intravenously (through a vein in arm) Treatment will require trips to the hospital with serve cases treated in an intensive care unit so the bodys vital functions can be supported. Bacterial meningitis can place tremendous strain on the body and the brain. It is estimated that the quoter of people with meningococcal disease (the combination on meningitis and blood poising) will have complications. COMMON CHILDHOOD INFECTIOUS DISEASES ; ILLNESSES. Complied by DCE group B 2013. http://www. meningitis. org/symptoms E4. Explain how the practitioner can respond to the particular needs of a child with the chosen infectious disease. Its important that support given to the child and family is family centred. This means that the childrens parents have a key role in making decisions about the sort of care their child receives, where the care takes place and how they can establish networks of supports. Professionals carers such as doctors, nursers, social workers and early years workers should recognise the needs of the child and the whole family and aim to meet those in an honest, caring and supportive manner. Care plans should be drawn up with the parents involvement, and should take account of the physical, emotional and social needs of the whole family. Whether you are working in a family home as a nanny, in a nursery or in a school, you should be informed of everything that goes on, so you are able to offer appropriate help. You can help by -offering practical and emotional support to the child and their family -developing a strong emotional bond with the child and provide a safe, trusting relationship which will help the child and the parents. There should always be a back up person in case the childs key person is away. -always finding time to listen to the child -observing the child closely and try to see if the child is experiencing any areas of difficulty. -allowing the child to express their feelings. Encourage children to use play as a form of therapy, to realise feelings of tension, frustration and sadness. You could offer activities such as playing with play dough, bubble blowing, water play, small world play and home corner play. -reassure them that they are very much loved by their family and their carers. Children who are ill often regardless and may want to play with toys that they have long since outgrown. They may have short attention span and tire quickly, so toys and materials should be changed frequently. A child with measles shouldn’t be present at the setting for at least 6 days because other children are at risk of catching the disease. On the other hand children that has meningitis should be also kept at home or in hospital for closer care. CACHE Level 3 Child care and Education Diploma written in July 2012. Published by Meggit C. Bruce T. Grenier J. E5 +E6 + C1. Describe one common long term childhood condition and explain the support available in an early years setting for parents and families caring for a child with this condition. Epilepsy. Epilepsy is a condition of the nervous system affecting 150,000 children in the UK. Its not a mental illness and cant be caught of another child. A child with epilepsy experiences seizures of fits. A seizure is caused by a sudden burst of excess electrical activity in the brain, causing a temporary disruption in the normal message passing between brain cells. A type of seizure a child has depends on which area of the brain is affected. Some seizures involve convulsions, or strange and confused behaviour, but others such as absences may be harder to recognise. Treatment. The aim of medical treatment is to control the childs tenancy to have seizures, so that they can get on with their life with as little seizures happening possible. Avoiding the things that disturb seizures and taking anti-epileptic drugs are the main treatment methods. Each anti-epileptic drug is selected to different kind of seizures that the child is experiencing. Even though the drugs help control seizures, there isn’t a cure that gets rid of it completely. Children with epilepsy should be treated as any other child. Epilepsy is not an illness and children should be encouraged to take part in all activities and daily routine, unless otherwise advised by the childs parents or doctor. Teachers and practitioners should be aware of the childs individual needs and what is best for them if they have a seizure, for example, what kind of seizure the child has, what starts it off, how long the seizure normally lasts, if the child needs any rest/sleep after the seizure or if they need to go home, is the child normally confused after the seizure, does the setting have a medical room where the child can recover, and is there a nursery nurse that can help the child in case there’s any additional help needed. The practitioner needs to make sure that all the details of any GPs or doctors the child has are up to date e. g. telephone number, address etc. in case they need to make contact with any other professionals. Also they should take a record of exactly what happened during the seizure, this will help to build up a picture of the childs condition. The parents should be called straight after any seizures, in case they want to come and pick the child up or come over and make sure their child is okay. Epilepsy can affect children in educational way due to children having them in settings. Children usually cant detect when theyre going to have a seizure, so if they have one while playing with another child, the other child might freak out and wont be able to understand whats going on. Practitioner should then explain to the other child what happened and make sure the other child is okay. Guidelines for helping a child who is experiencing a seizure. Do: -protect the child from injury by moving any furniture or other solid objects out of the way during a seizure -make space around the child and keep other children away -loosen the clothing around the childs neck and chest and cushion their head -stay with the child until the recovery is complete -be calmly reassuring Do not: -restrain the child in any way -try to put anything in their mouth -try to move them unless they are in danger -give the child anything to eat or drink until they are fully recovered -attempt to bring them around Call an ambulance if: -if its the childs first seizure and you do not know why it happened -it follows a blow to the head -the child is injured during the seizure -the seizure is continuous and shows no signs of stopping. CACHE Level 3 Child care and Education Diploma written in July 2012. Published by Meggit C. Bruce T. Grenier J. http://www. epilepsysociety. org. uk/about-epilepsy#. Uwnw7Pl_voA E6. The key person that the child has will be able to help a lot, not only emotionally but also physically and verbally. The key person will look after the child in the setting so if the child has a seizure the key person will know what to do. To help and make the childs life a little bit easier the key person should know what triggers the seizures and try and do everything to avoid these things, for example, if flicking lights set off the seizures, the key person would make sure there are no flicking lights in the room that theyre in. As well as the child, the key person is able to speak to their family and give out any verbal support if theyre struggling with their childs condition. If that’s not enough, the key person can transfer the family to health clinics or support groups so the family can get their questions answered if theyve got any, and can make their lives easier to live with this condition. Another source of help available is Epilepsy Society which is a group that helps children and families that suffer from epilepsy. This group helps with getting the right amount of stuff that the families are entitled to such as: free prescription to your epilepsy drugs, financial help towards the travel to your medical appointments and work/setting, welfare benefits and tax credits, also if the child needs any daily equipment the group offers to cover the costs. The entitlements that the child gets depends on how bad their epilepsy is and how they cope with it on the daily basis. http://www. epilepsysociety. org. uk/what-help-available#. Uwi8UPl_voA C1. Its important to work as a team to be able to support the child with a long term illness as well as his/hers family. By working as a team, youre able to share important information with other professionals such as the childs doctor, GPs, counsellor etc. as to how the child is getting on in the setting or at home and how you could improve their development. You need to keep in contact with the childs doctor to let them know if theres any changes that occurred or if the childs development has improved. Sharing information like this will help practitioners as well as the childs family and doctors be able to plan the next steps theyre going to take to help the child in the future. Another advantage to why working as a team is important because youre able to plan in order to help the childs development. For example, if a practitioner spoke to the childs doctor and the doctor advised them to make sure the child receives enough physical movement, the practitioner could plan an activity that will involve some physical movement and also can ask for advice from other team members about their chosen activity. This will help the childs development and how they get on in the setting. Holistic approach is important as well, if the practitioner is able to observe the child and identify what the child needs or what would help them get on in the setting easier, they can consider different approaches. For example, instead of using the same resources that they would normally use while carrying out a certain activity, the practitioner could see what other resources they can gather and use something new instead of the old things that the child can get bored of easily. Holistic approach means looking at the childs full development, their emotional, physical, verbal, mind etc. and being able to work on developing these aspects to help the child progress further. E7 +B1 Children aged 4 wont like to be separated from their parents or carers while going to the hospital thats why its important for the practitioners to prepare children before they go and make sure you know how they feel. One of the games the practitioner could carry out is a simple game like snap,uno, or happy families. This game is a good way for the practitioner to talk to the child and find out how they feel about the current situation. Once the child opens up about their feelings, the practitioner can reassure them and explain what will happen. Its important to reassure the children because of the fact that theyre only young they wont understand whats going on, and will only get the negative point of view. Another game that can be helpful is Jigsaw puzzles, the child can start with simple puzzles and progress to more challenging ones, perhaps with family help. Its important that not only the practitioner but also the family is able to prepare the child before they go into the hospital. The child will be more open and will trust the family more, so its important that the family is involved. As well as this, the family can be more reassuring and calming so the child doesn’t feel under pressure, or isn’t scared about whats going to happen. Its important that the child knows where they going and why. http://boardgamegeek. com/geeklist/17609/definitive-list-of-games-suitable-for-kids-4-years D1. Explain why it is important to identify and respond appropriatly when children are unwell. Its important to identify and respond to children when theyre unwell simply to show that you care. Children don’t understand what we do and why we do it, theyre too young to understand, but if as a practitioner youre able to gain their trust by showing that you care about them and giving them enough attention so they feel comfortable around you then youre able to progress and get on with the child easier. Its easy to identify if a child is unwell, every child is different therefore they will show their signs and symptoms differently, however you should know the child and how they normally would act and behave around the placement, so when theyre unwell youll be able to notice that something is wrong. For example, if there’s a child in the setting that normally is very bubbly and happy, and one day they come in and act out of character by sitting on their own, or not playing with toys etc. the practitioner is able to identify that theres something wrong so they could go and talk to them and find out what’s wrong. If the child is seriously ill its the childs right to get looked after properly, the practitioner should ask other professionals if theres certain things they should do. For example if a child is very sleepy and theyre not normally like this, the practitioner could ask other staff members if there’s anything in particular that they should do like put the child to sleep for a while or ring their parents to come pick them up etc.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free Hamlet Essays: Hamlet, Fortinbras and Leartes :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Hamlet

Hamlet, Fortinbras and Leartes Hamlet, Fortinbras and Leartes are all very different people with different lives, but as these men interact in the play we learn that there are many circumstances surrounding them that mysteriously connect them. All three of these characters had some reason to avenge some circumstance in their life, but they all had a very different way of conquering the object of their hatred. Fortinbras Fortinbras had levied an army to attack and conquer Denmark. Though son of the late King of Norway, the crown of Norway had gone to his uncle, just as the crown of Denmark had gone to Hamlet's uncle. This shows that in the world of the play it was not unusual for brothers to late kings to be elected to the throne over the pretensions of their younger nephews. But Fortinbras was not prepared to accept his constitutional dispossession so easily. If he had been deprived of the throne of his father, he would try to conquer a kingdom of his own in which, as he later tells Horatio, he has "some rights of memory." Fortinbras is not willing to put an end to his military adventures. Desiring to win honor through the sword, he cares not that the prize of his glory is worthless or that he will sacrifice thousands of lives and much wealth for this hollow victory. Like Hamlet, Sr., Fortinbras is an empire builder who desires only to fight for glory and so, in an ironic way, he is fitted by character to inherit the kingdom of Hamlet, Sr. Leartes Laertes is a young man whose good instincts have been somewhat obscured by the concern with superficial appearances which he has imbibed from his father, Polonius. Like his father, Laertes apparently preaches a morality he does not practice and fully believes in a double standard of behavior for the sexes. But if his father allows him these liberties, it is that he may better approximate the manner of a so - called gentleman. More concerned with the outward signs of gentility than with any inner refinement of spirit, Laertes has well observed his father's advice to be concerned with appearances since "the apparel oft proclaims the man." As unconcerned for the order of society as he is for his own salvation, he would rather "dare damnation" than leave his father's honor and his own besmirched. Though the sight of his sister's madness brings him to a moment of true grief, he is still primarily enraged by his father's "obscure funeral - / No trophy, sword, nor hatchment o'er his bones, / No noble rite nor formal ostentation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Is The Theme Of Deception Apparent in “Much Ado About Nothing”

The theme of deception is ever-present throughout ‘Much Ado About Nothing'; the majority of the plot is based upon purposeful deception, some malevolent while others benign. The play itself, although set in Messina, Italy seems to echo the culture of Elizabethan society in which William Shakespeare lived; the importance of honour and pride at that time induced the need for the people to uphold this status through the constant deception of those around them, whether this was with appearances or words. Shakespeare creates a world where deception is used throughout the play and on many occasions it was intended for desirable effects; deception for positive effect is known as benevolent deception. One of the first instances where the gap between appearance and reality is portrayed is in the first dialogue of the play. The messenger has come to give news of the return of the men from a battle and speaks of how Claudio was ‘doing in the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion'. This illustrates the gap between the appearance of Claudio and the reality of Claudio, of how he exceeds the expectations of his age by his actions on a battlefield, and demonstrates how he deceives those around him of his true capabilities. Shakespeare also uses clever word play with the use of an alliterative pattern where the sounds of ‘Figure of a Lamb' are echoed in ‘Feats of a Lion', which offers balance syntax to the line and is typical of Shakespearean blank verse. Although this is an instance where Claudio is deceiving others; this is, however, not prevalent, at all, throughout the rest of the play, instead Claudio is the one who appears to be subject to the most deception due to his gullibility and short-sightedness. One example of Claudio's foolishness is when Don John deceives him into believing that Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself where in fact he is doing it on Claudio's behalf; this is also ironic since at the same time Claudio is attempting to deceive Don John and Borachio that he is Benedick, they however have not fallen for it. This quick reaction to the lies fed to him by Don John makes plain his temperament and emotion driven mentality. Moreover, the fact that at that moment in time there are three layers of deception occurring simultaneously typifies the amount of deception there is in the play. Claudio is further deceived, along with Don Pedro, by Don John when he shows them Hero's apparent disloyalty and ‘immoral' nature. In Act 3, Scene 2 Don John approaches Don Pedro and Claudio in order to ‘warn' them of Hero's disloyalty. The second line he speaks since he entered their circle includes sibilance, ‘†¦ leisure served, I would speak with you. ‘ which creates an image not too unlike the hissing of a snake before it attacks. There is also a lot of repetition and carefully constructed dialogue in this exchange on Don John's part; for example, in reply to Don Pedro he says ‘ I know not that, when he knows what I know'. This repetition of ‘know' places emphasis on knowledge, and how people's judgments and actions differ when they know a certain thing. Another point to be made regarding this dialogue and the theme of ‘fitting' is when Don John comments on how it would ‘better fit your honour' to not marry Hero, one interpretation of this phrase could include its connotations and implicit links to sex. Claudio's ‘honour' is in reference to his penis; a man's penis, in ancient civilisations such as the Inca, was considered as the symbol of his stature and honour in society and this ideal is not yet lost even in the modern-age. Don John also says how it would ‘better fit' his ‘honour' to change his mind, denoting how Hero's sexual organ is not fit for his ‘honour' since she has apparently fornicated. Instead of questioning why Don John, previously known for his wicked deeds, is so willing to help, he instead believes him with no questions further demonstrating his infuriating naivety. Furthermore, of the three consecutive deception scenes this one is considerably shorter. I believe that Shakespeare has done this with the intention to emphasise the drastic change in Don Pedro's position; this also raises questions Don Pedro's integrity as a leader. A man of his position would form reasoned opinions through facts and logic however in this case he has seemed to change his opinion at a whim. This is also one of the points where Shakespeare raises questions about society; in this case he questions the power structure of society by showing how Don Pedro is so easily fooled. In contrast to the character of Claudio, Benedick is portrayed as more of a calm and reasoning character, which has meant that he is rarely deceived in the play. This dissimilarity between the two is portrayed in Act 1 Scene 1 when Claudio states how ‘in mine eye' Hero is the ‘sweetest lady' that he has ever seen, speaking of an idealised love which is evident with his exaggerations; Benedick however is able to ‘see without spectacles' signifying how he is not fooled by appearances and this becomes important later in the development of the play as Benedick eventually becomes the voice of reason among the chaos which soon plays out. The comment that Benedick makes about how he can see clearly ‘without spectacles' seems to be proven when Hero is shamed by the Princes; he demonstrates how he realises the truth of the situation because he believes that ‘their wisdoms be misled in this' and that the ‘practice of it lives' in Don John, the bastard brother of Don Pedro. Nonetheless, despite Benedick's wisdom and astuteness he also falls victim to some benevolent deception himself. A particularly complex example of deception occurs as Leonato, Claudio, and Don Pedro act as if Beatrice is head over heels in love with Benedick so that the eavesdropping Benedick will overhear it and believe it. Luring Benedick into this trap, Leonato ironically dismisses the idea that perhaps Beatrice hides her desire for Benedick, as he and the others disguise this love themselves. This scene includes links to other themes including the gap between the appearance of a situation and the reality, an example of this is when Benedick states how he would think it to be a ‘gull' but does not think so because the ‘white-bearded fellow speaks it' indicating how he is deceived by the appearance of Leonato because he believes that ‘knavery', which itself has connotations of youth, could not hide itself in such ‘ Another character in the Shakespeare's play ‘Much Ado About Nothing' who is strongly involved with the theme of deception is Don John, the Bastard brother of Don Pedro. Don John's character can be accurately described as Machiavellian since he deceives and manipulates others simply for personal gain. One of the most interesting lines that Don John utters is in fact his very first in the play when he is introduced to Leonato; he thanks Leonato for his hospitality and says the he is ‘not a man of many words'. This could be seen as irony since it is exactly his words that cause the slandering and public shaming of the innocent Hero. Don John's constant malevolent deception seems not just reserved for others since there are occasional occurrences of self-deception; during a conversation with Conrade he claims that he is a ‘plain-dealing villain' which in itself is an oxymoron and furthermore seems a direct contradiction to his actions in which he is very far from ‘plain-dealing', instead he deals in conspiracy, deceit and betrayal. This may be interpreted as an indication to the possible fact that Don John does not realise the extent of his actions nor the pain, strife and hurt that he causes. This ignorance of his actions may be understood, by some, as ‘innocence' and that he is not as malicious as his actions make him appear to be. This suggestion is further iterated in the following lines: The speech has echoes of Shylocks' speech in Act 3 Scene 1 of the Shakespearean comedy ‘The Merchant Of Venice'; in that emotive speech by Shylock the audience was expected to feel sympathy towards Shylock, in the same way Shakespeare encourages the audience to rethink their snap judgements of Don John, perhaps not to change their opinion of him but to at least judge him fairly. It would seem at first that Don John is simply a deceiver and is not deceived but if we were to analyse more deeply we would realise that he is self deceiving all throughout the play. There are many indications to his self-deception, such as his claim that he is nothing more than a ‘plain-dealing villain' and again the fact that he believes that he ‘cannot hide' what he is, furthermore, he claims that he would rather be disdained than to ‘rob love from any' which is precisely what he does in regards to Claudio and Hero, this yet another clue to his self deception. His repeated self-deception is not caused by his own physical senses (i. e. he cannot believe his eyes or ears) but rather his own reasoning deceives him in order to protect his ego. Don John's brother, Don Pedro the Prince of Arragon is a legitimate child and already wins over the affections of the audience; first by the fact that he is a Prince which gives a person instant respect and admiration and secondly because, in contrast to his brother, he is a child born inside wedlock and therefore is considered as a first class citizen as opposed to his brother, Don John the Bastard. Although, his perception as this exalted being is put into question when he is involved, along with Claudio, in the public shaming of the innocent Hero. The audience, however, may tolerate this since he was a victim of Don John's deception too and therefore wasn't truly malicious in his deeds in contrast to his brother. Benedick himself recognises this, knowing the Prince personally he knew it was out of character and the Don Pedro's ‘wisdoms be misled' and that the ‘practice of it lives in John the Bastard'. The Prince of Arragon is not heavily involved in deception and therefore maintains his stature of respect in the audience's eyes, also by the fact that he is not often deceived portrays his understanding and wisdom. An additional character in William Shakespeare's ‘Much Ado About Nothing' who has interesting links to the theme of deception is the niece of Leonato, cousin to Hero, Beatrice the orphan. By having no parents in her life she has a kind of free reign in regards to her public behaviour and is able to act frivolously and with more controversy than her counterpart Hero. And with this free reign she uses it often to comment on Benedick's apparent deception of others. She makes innumerable comments on how Signor Benedick of Padua is not how he appears; according to her ‘he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat' pointing out how he is ever changing like fashions. Beatrice, as I mentioned before, makes many remarks regarding Benedick's deception including in the first scene of the play when she calls him no less than a ‘stuffed man', meaning that he is superficial and that he has nothing within him i. e. no character or verity. A further observation that I made regarding Beatrice's regular implicit accusations of Benedick's infidelity and deception may be interpreted as a sub-conscious confession, on her part, for the feelings for Benedick which she has hidden and with which she has deceived all by. In conclusion, as we can see, deception, facades, foolishness and the like were nothing but the social graces of that Messinian world and this fashion is echoed in the essence of William Shakespeare's ‘Much Ado About Nothing'. The justification for the innumerable amount of deception includes the upholding of one's honour and status among several other reasons. Through this play Shakespeare portrays how deceit is not inherently evil, but something that can be used as a means to good or bad ends.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Developing the Global Dimension in Schools and in Classrooms Essay

The School The school where I carried out the research for my report is St Augustine of Canterbury Roman Catholic High School in Oldham. The pupils come from a wide variety of backgrounds including English and Irish working class, Pakistani, Indian, Black Caribbean, Black African, Travellers, Polish and pupils who are of mixed race. The religions I encountered included Roman Catholic, other Christian, Muslim and Hindu. Many of the Pupils at St Augustine’s have very limited experience of the outside world due to the poorer backgrounds that they come from. The Lessons This report is based on a series of four lessons I taught to a Year 11 Citizenship class. The topic of the lesson is the continent of Africa, problems within the continent, possible solutions to the problems and their complications. The purpose of the lessons is also to create a sense of empathy in the pupils, improve their research skills, and give them the opportunity to present their findings at the end of the unit. In the first lesson, the pupils are given a map of Africa and a list of countries. They have to use the internet to find out where the countries are situated on the map. This provokes discussion over how countries in Africa were formed and how their borders were affected by Western Colonisation and the World Wars. The second part of the lesson involves a brief discussion over some of the well known problems in Africa such as Civil War, Corruption, HIV, Poverty and Famine after which the pupils will start their own powerpoint presentation describing these. The pupils are assisted in starting this with fact sheets on HIV and AIDS in Africa and on Corruption in Africa. The second lesson focuses on Civil War in Africa. The pupils are given worksheets with the names of four countries that have faced Civil War, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Sierra Leone and questions on the impact of war in these countries. The pupils watch a trailer for the film Hotel Rwanda which focuses on the Rwandan Genocide. There is discussion on what they have seen, which expands into related topics such as refugees before they are allowed to go on the internet and research the answers to the questions for two of the countries. The second half of the lesson is spent working on the powerpoint presentations and adding some of the facts they have researched into their own presentation. The third lesson focuses on Fairtrade in Africa. The pupils are given a worksheet asking questions about Fairtrade and shown a short video on the projector promoting and explaining what Fairtrade does for African producers. The pupils are directed to the Fairtrade website in order to answer any remaining questions on their sheet. The second half of the lesson is spent finishing off their powerpoint presentations and adding facts about Fairtrade. In the fourth lesson, the pupils present their findings to the rest of the class and discuss the issues as a class, each having the opportunity to express their opinions on the topic and the different aspects they have covered. The Focus Group What did pupils learn from the lesson and how do they feel school prepares them to be part of an ethnically and religiously diverse society? I chose 4 pupils to take part in my focus group, Jodie who was very opinionated, from a white, working class background; Priya, a Hindu, Indian girl who was more quiet but got caught up in the debate; John who is from a mixed Black Caribbean and White background; and Mlala, a boy from a West African background. Jodie felt very resentful about being â€Å"forced to take Citizenship†. She felt it was a waste of time as there is no qualification or exam to sit in this subject. She felt it was a waste of time and she had very little interest in what happened in Africa, she felt it would be more relevant to study problems occurring in the UK during Citizenship lessons. During the class discussions she was unsympathetic to the plight of refugees and had strong feelings regarding their presence in the UK and on immigration as a whole. John was of a similar opinion, he thought that Africans should â€Å"sort out their own problems†. Priya defended refugees and their need to come to this country pointing out that it is not always possible for refugees to go to the next nearest country as there may be trouble within that country as well and that if there are a lot of refugees coming from countries that are close to each other that one or two countries that are stable enough to accept refugees cannot take all of the refugees. Mlala also pointed out that some of the problems that occur in Africa are a direct result of European colonisation and war. I understand why Priya and Mlala are more reluctant to get involved in the debate. To some extent they may feel that the comments are directed at them or their friends or families. They see the issues of developing countries from a different perspective. Mlala only came to the UK in the last year and has grown up in West Africa. He and his family are immigrants themselves, he dislikes the picture painted in the media but does not want to get into direct confrontation over it. Priya was born here but has strong roots in India; she has friends and family there who she visits and who have come to live in the UK more recently. I also understand where these feelings are coming from in Jodie and John in the sense that they are growing up in working class, white households which are targeted in the media to feel that immigrants and refugees are coming to the UK and making life more difficult for them affecting housing, jobs, schooling the NHS and opinions within their families are being reflected through them. Jodie and John did appear to enjoy having the opportunity to express their opinions about issues that are highlighted in the media and discussed at home. Priya and Mlala, were more reluctant to talk about the issue, I believe they may have felt uncomfortable at times about some of the issues raised and the strength of other peoples opinions, however as the debate went on they were motivated to speak to get across their own different points of view. My Reflections I felt at the end of the lessons and the focus group that something had been achieved in the sense that Jodie and John’s opinions appeared to soften and they had learned some facts that they were previously unaware of. Priya and Mlala, I hope came out of it mor confident for speaking their minds and making their opinions known. I feel that the lessons were a success in the sense that they created a framework for debate and got the pupils thinking about these issues instead of just accepting what they read in the Tabloids and hear from the people around them. When I prepared the lessons I had to stick within the framework of the the topic for problems within Africa but I feel it would be good to have the opportunity to use the topic of Africa to challenge peoples’ preconceptions of the continent and the people, perhaps by focussing on the more positive aspects of Africa in order to give the pupils a more balanced viewpoint.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Spanish Indirect-Object Pronouns

Spanish Indirect-Object Pronouns Spanish verbs can be accompanied by direct and indirect objects. A direct object is the noun or pronoun that the verb acts directly on, while an indirect object is the person affected by the action but not acted directly upon. So in a sentence such as I see Sam, Sam is the direct object of see because Sam is the object that is seen. But in a sentence such as I am writing Sam a letter, Sam is the indirect object. The item being written is letter, so letter is the direct object. Sam is the indirect object as one who is affected by the verbs action on the direct object. Spanish Differentiates Betweem Direct and Indirect Objects If youre learning Spanish, the distinction can be important to make because Spanish, unlike English, sometimes uses different pronouns for direct and indirect objects. It is also important to note that many Spanish sentences use indirect-object pronouns where a different construction is used in English. For example, me pintà ³ la casa would typically be translated as he painted the house for me. In fact, one sign of an indirect object in English is that it usually can be understood, to use me as an example, as for me or to me. For instance, he bought her the ring is the same as he bought the ring for her. In that first sentence, her is an indirect object. (The Spanish equivalent would be à ©l le comprà ³ el anillo.) Here are the indirect-object pronouns along with their English equivalents and examples of their uses: me - me - Juan me da una camisa. (John is giving me a shirt.)te - you (singular familiar) - Juan te da una camisa. (John is giving you a shirt.)le - you (singular formal), him, her - Juan le da una camisa a usted. (John is giving you a shirt.)  Juan le da una camisa a à ©l.  (John is giving him a shirt.)  Juan le da una camisa a ella.  (John is giving her a shirt.)nos - us - Marà ­a nos da unas camisas. (Mary is giving us some shirts.)os - you (plural familiar) - Marà ­a os da unas camisas. (Mary is giving you some shirts.)les - you (plural formal), them - Marà ­a les da unas camisas. (Mary is giving you some shirts, or Mary is giving them some shirts.) Note that the direct-object and indirect-object pronouns are identical in the first and second persons. Where they differ is in the third person, where the only indirect objects (except in what is usually considered substandard speech) are le and les. Using Indirect Objects in Special Cases As some of the above examples indicate, an indirect-object pronoun is used whenever a sentence includes an indirect object, even though a pronoun might not be used in English. A further clause can be added for clarity or emphasis, but, unlike in English, an indirect pronoun is the norm. For example, le escribà ­ could mean I wrote to him, I wrote to her or I wrote to you, depending on the context. To clarify, we can add a prepositional phrase, as in le escribà ­ a ella for I wrote to her. Note that le is still typically used, even though a ella makes it redundant. Both direct- and indirect-object pronouns are typically placed before conjugated verbs, as in the above examples. They can be (but dont have to be) attached to infinitives and present participles: Te voy a escribir una carta and voy a escribirte una carta (I am going to write you a letter) are both correct, as are le estoy comprando un coche and estoy comprndole un coche (I am buying him a car). In commands, direct and/or indirect objects are attached to affirmative commands but precede negative commands. Escrà ­beme (write me), but no me escribas (dont write me). Note that in affirmative commands and when attaching an object to a present participle, attaching the object at the end of the verb can result in an orthographic accent being needed to keep the stress on the correct syllable. If you have a direct object and an indirect object with the same verb, the indirect object comes first. Te las escribo. (I am writing them to you.) Sample Sentences Using Indirect-Object Pronouns Indirect objects are shown in these sentences in boldface. Object pronouns in regular type are direct objects or objects of prepositions. No le voy a dar el gusto a nadie de vencerme tan facilmente. (I am not going to give anyone the pleasure of defeating me so easily. A nadie is a redundant phrase; le remains necessary. The -me of vencerme is a direct object.) ¿Nunca me has visto beber algo ms que una copa de vino? (Have you never seen me drink more than one cup of wine? Beber here is an infinitive acting as a direct object.)Le construyeron un gimnasio para que pudiera ejercitarse. (They built him/her a gymnasium so he/she could exercise. Note that the indirect object here can apply to both males and females.)Queremos decirle a ella que ella forma gran parte de nuestras vidas. (We want to tell her that she makes up a big part of our lives. Que and the words following function as a direct object.)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Basic Approaches And Contemporary Issues In Leadership Management Essay

Basic Approaches And Contemporary Issues In Leadership Management Essay The first complete contingency model for leadership was presented in 1967 by Fred Fiedler’s. His contingency hypothesis was the first to identify how situational factors interrelate with the traits and behaviors of leaders to have an impact on the effectiveness of leadership. The theory proposed that the â€Å"favorability† of the circumstances is what decides how effective the task and the behavior of the person-oriented leader will be. Favorability is established by (1) the amount of trust and respect that devotees or rather followers have for their leaders; (2) the degree to which the responsibilities of individuals who are second to the leader can be organized and the performance measured; and (3) the power that the leader has over the rewards of followers. The circumstances is most encouraging when subordinates have trust and respect for their leaders, respect and trust the leader, the job is greatly structured, and the control over rewards and punishment is held by the leader (Barnett, 2010). The research done by Fiedler showed that leaders who were task-oriented were more valuable and effective when there was either an extremely â€Å"favorable† or extremely â€Å"unfavorable† circumstance, however, leaders who were person-oriented were more valuable if the circumstances were either â€Å"moderately favorable,† or unfavorable.† This hypothesis did not really suggest that in various situations, the leader could become accustomed to their leadership styles, but rather that leaders who had various styles would be more valuable when they are put in situations that go with the leadership style that they prefer (Barnett, 2010). Fiedler is of the assumption that the leadership style of an individual is â€Å"fixed† because if the circumstance has a need for someone who is task-oriented but the person who is in that leadership position is relationship-oriented, then either the leader has to be changed or the situa tion needs to be altered (Robbins, and Position power: The leaders power by virtue of the position in the organization and the extent to which, as the leader, he or she can implement power on followers so that they obey and receive the leaders’ guidance and leadership (â€Å"Feidler’s contingency model,† 2009). Feidler’s position is that leader-member relations are either good or poor, task structure is either high or low and position power is either strong or week. The healthier the relationship between the leader and followers the more organized the job will be and the more resilient the position of power the more command the leader will have (Robbins, so the whether the intellect and know how of an individual has any bearing on the performance of leadership is determined by the level of stress. Other studies corroborated the fact that when the level of stress is low and the leader instructed followers on what he needed done, intellect was key to the effectiveness of the leader, but if the circumstance was a high stress one then intellect did not help as much because the leaders’ thought process was strained. In the same manner, if the leader does not tell his followers what he wants done then intellect do not help because of his reluctance (Robbins, & Judge, 2009). The recommendation of Feidler is that organizations employ and choose persons with the essential intellect, know how, and understanding, and then allow those individuals to work under those situations that let them use the resources that they have cognitively. Additionally, the feeling that the leader has of being in control of the circumstance and the level of stress that he is experiencing is essential (Carter, III, 2006).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Johnson and Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Johnson and Johnson - Essay Example However, the operation of Johnson and Johnson is guided by its famous credo which is translated in 36 languages around the globe.1 This credo has become the company's guiding light in fulfilling its role to its various stakeholders which include its customers, its employees, its community, and its stockholders. In its quest to satisfy its customers, Johnson and Johnson promises the delivery of high quality products and services and efficient operations to maintain reasonable prices. The company also promises to enable its suppliers and distributors make a good profit from their partnerships. Johnson and Johnson recognizes the huge role carried out by its employees to ensure its success. With this, its credo promises the elimination of discrimination, hazardous working condition and abuse. Instead, the company provides respect, job security, equitable compensation, and opportunities for growth. Johnson and Johnson also encourages its employee to voice their various concerns. The compa ny is also mindful of the externalities it bring to the society where it operates. With this, Johnson and Johnson strive to become a good corporate citizen by supporting charities, paying taxes, and pushing for sustainable development. Lastly, Johnson and Johnson gives credit to its stockholders by ensuring the profitability of its operations (Johnson and Johnson 3). The credo of Johnson and Johnson provides a glimpse of the company's goals and objectives namely profitability, innovation, social responsibility, growth, and leadership. As with any other business organization, Johnson and Johnson's primary goal is the maximization of profit. With this, the company can have the financial muscle to back its operations. At the heart of its goals is the innovation of products which can be released to the public in order to convey greater customer satisfaction. Johnson and Johnson's goal of maintaining sustainable development is fueled by its being a socially responsible business organization. The company also continues to push for growth and market leadership. In order to achieve these goals, Johnson and Johnson has crafted strategies. On the corporate level, the company is seen to utilize its credo to achieve its numerous goals. However, the interdependence within its departments and the diversity of its product line leads to multiple strategies within its divisions. Taken altogether, the company's primary strategy in fulfilling its goal is the creation of high quality medicine, medical equipment, and consumer goods at reasonable prices. In order to market its product efficiently, Johnson and Johnson creates an excellent brand image by actively taking part in socially responsible programs and activities. It can also be seen that one of its main strategies is the acquisition of small companies which have embarked on promising new products. The company's broad product lines and growth has been the result of numerous acquisitions. However, it can also be seen that the business organization is slowly coming to grips with the reality that thi s strategy is unsustainable in the long run and that it needs to develop new products. Johnson and Johnson is comprised of three main divisions-Pharmaceuticals, Devices and Diagnostics, and Consumer Goods (Johnson and Joh